Brightest Stars
Sun news Update for May 9: X1.1 flare! From sunspot AR3664
Sun news UPDATE for May 9, 2024. AR3664 produced an X1.1 flare at 17:44 UTC on May 9. R3(strong) radio blackout centered over Cancun in Mexico.
Brightest Stars
Tonight’s young moon emerges into the evening sky
The young moon will compete in brightness with several bright stars on the evening of May 9, 2024. Which will shine most brightly?
Brightest Stars

Polaris is the present-day North Star

Many people think Polaris is the brightest star, but it's only 48th in brightness. Still, Polaris is famous because the entire northern sky wheels around it.
Brightest Stars

Arcturus, the brightest star of the northern sky

Arcturus is the brightest star north of the celestial equator. Near the handle of the Big Dipper, it's easy to find in spring in the Northern Hemisphere.
Astronomy Essentials

Visible planets and night sky guide for May

Visible planets and night sky guide for May 2024. Look for Mercury on the east before dawn. It’s low on the sunrise horizon.

Plunge into a black hole in this new video

Plunge into a black hole in this new video from NASA. See what it would look like to cross the event horizon of a supermassive black hole.

How did water on Venus disappear? Blame this molecule

Venus is a near-twin to Earth in size and mass. But what happened to all the water on Venus, which scientists say once existed?

Satellite data gives tiger conservation a boost

Researchers use satellite data to aid tiger conservation efforts. Tigers are losing their habitat, but there are still many areas they could expand into.
Clusters Nebulae Galaxies

Meet Omega Centauri, a giant star cluster

Omega Centauri is the Milky Way's largest globular star cluster and contains about 10 million stars. It's even visible from parts of the Northern Hemisphere.

Ring the fish doorbell to help fish migrate!

Ring the fish doorbell to help fish migrating to their spawning grounds! The fish are stuck behind a lock in the Netherlands, but you can help.