New hottest day, in a record-breaking 12 months

The new record for hottest day in recent history came on July 21, 2024, when the average global surface air temperature hit 62.76 degrees Fahrenheit (17.09 C).

Nearly extinct Siamese crocodiles hatch in the wild

In June 2024, 60 critically endangered Siamese crocodiles successfully hatched in the wild, in the Cardamom Mountains of Cambodia.

New dog-sized burrowing dinosaur discovered in Utah

Fona herzogae, a newly discovered dinosaur species that once lived in Utah, 99 million years ago, is one of a few known species of burrowing dinosaur.

Precise space storm alerts could help shield Earth’s tech

A new understanding of the heights of magnetic fields in the sun's active regions will lead to precise space storm alerts and help protect technology on Earth.

Here are the US cities most vulnerable to space weather

Scientists identified Milwaukee and Washington, D.C., as US cities most vulnerable to space weather due to the connection of their transformers to the network.

Sea urchins are colorful and resistant: Lifeform of the week

Sea urchins possess mega-hard shells. They've been around for some 200 million years. And they're considered an animal even with no brains or blood.

Frog saunas could help frogs threatened by fungus

Frog saunas could help saved threatened frogs from the chytrid fungus, which has brought 90 species to extinction. Here's how you can help.

Media we love: Archaeology from Space by Sarah Parcak

Archaeology from Space by Sarah Parcak explains how satellite imagery can reveal hidden antiquities from the Egyptians, Maya, Vikings and more.

This desert moss could grow on Mars, no greenhouse needed

Scientists in China say a desert moss commonly found on Earth can survive the harsh conditions of Mars. Future astronauts could use it to grow other plants.

Kangaroo rats are desert dwellers: Lifeform of the week

Kangaroo rats are small rodents, but they are highly skilled and know how to defend themselves from different predators, including poisonous snakes.