Summer meteor showers are here: Top 10 tips for watching

Meteor showers are unpredictable but nothing beats them for a fun and relaxing time under the stars. Here's our 10 tips to maximize your meteor viewing time.

Delta Aquariid meteor shower: All you need to know in 2024

The nominal peak of the Delta Aquariid meteor shower is late July. But the shower rambles along steadily for weeks and intermingles with the Perseids.

Radiant point of meteor showers: All you need to know

Meteors enter Earth's atmosphere on parallel paths. So, you'll see meteors appear to come from a single point in the sky: the radiant point!

Learn how to shoot photos of meteors

Want to try to shoot photos of meteors with your camera? The first step is planning. The next step is to gather your equipment. Then on to the capture process.

Visible planets and night sky guide for July and August

Visible planets and night sky guide for July 2024. It’s summer meteor time! Follow these tips to optimize your chances of seeing a great meteor display.

M6 and M7: Open star clusters in the Scorpion’s Tail

M6 and M7 are star clusters near Scorpius’ stinger. But you’ll need a dark sky to see these faint but stunning stellar aggregations.

What are star trails, and how do I photograph them?

Star trails are long-exposure photographs of stars taken as Earth turns, resulting in streaks of light across the sky. Here's how to photograph star trails.

Exoplanets are worlds orbiting other stars

Exoplanets are worlds orbiting distant stars. Watch a video with an astronomer who studies them. Learn the history of our knowledge of exoplanets, and more.

Earth farthest from sun – or aphelion – on July 5

Earth farthest from sun ... aka aphelion! It happened on July 5. That's despite the fact that it's summer now in the Northern Hemisphere.

Jupiter coming to June’s morning sky, opposition in December

Giant Jupiter is closest to Earth for 2024 on December 6. Then Earth will fly between the sun and Jupiter - bringing Jupiter to opposition - on December 7.