Taurus the Bull resides near the constellation Orion the Hunter. It contains 2 famous star clusters that are easy to spot; they are the Pleiades and the Hyades.
Canis Major the Greater Dog is most famous for being home to the brightest star in the sky, Sirius. You can see it in January following Orion from the horizon.
Orion the Hunter may be the most recognizable constellation, visible from both hemispheres. It's best in winter from the north and summer from the south.
Tucana the Toucan is a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere that's a cinch to spot. Just look for our little satellite galaxy: the Small Magellanic Cloud.
The constellation Andromeda the Chained Lady is most famous for containing M31, the Andromeda galaxy, the closest large spiral galaxy to the Milky Way.
Pegasus the Flying Horse is the 7th largest constellation. It dominates fall skies in the Northern Hemisphere and has a famous asterism called the Great Square.
Auriga the Charioteer is a north circumpolar constellation best viewed on autumn and winter evenings. Its star Capella is the 6th brightest star in the sky.
Cassiopeia and Perseus are neighbors in the fall sky. Use Cassiopeia's distinctive W or M shape to locate the dimmer Perseus on autumn and winter evenings.