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Editors of EarthSky

Venus brightest on Valentine’s Day, 2025. Don’t miss it!

When is Venus brightest in 2025? In the evening sky, it's around February 14. Then, Venus will be at its brightest in the morning sky in April 2025.

The February birthstone is the purple amethyst

Are you a February baby? Here's some cool info about your February birthstone, the amethyst. Read the lore of this purple stone, a variety of quartz.

Happy Groundhog Day! Watch the festivities in Pennsylvania

The predicted high for Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, on February 2 is 41 degrees F (5 C) and cloudy. Will Phil see his shadow? Watch live here.

Sirius is a future southern Pole Star

Wait, what? It's true. The sky's brightest star, Sirius aka the Dog Star, will come to within 1.6 degrees of the south celestial pole in the year 66270.

Happy Lunar New Year 2025! The Year of the Snake

The Lunar New Year falls on January 29, 2025. It coincides with the date of new moon and signals the start of the Year of the Snake.

What are hole-punch clouds, aka fallstreak holes?

Have you ever seen a fallstreak hole or hole-punch clouds? They're a type of cloud with a flat layer interrupted by a big hole, often with wisps at the center.

Cassiopeia and the Big Dipper in January skies

Watch the celestial clock and its two great big hour hands - Cassiopeia and the Big Dipper - as they swing around the North Star each and every night!

Venus now brilliant in the evening sky

Look for Venus after sunset! It's high in February's sky for all to see. It'll be brightest in the evening sky on February 14.

Mars closest to Earth on January 12, 2025

The Mars opposition - when Earth flies between the sun and Mars - comes on January 15-16, 2025. But January 12, 2025, finds Mars closest to Earth.

Too cold to snow? Do cold temperatures prevent snow?

Can it ever be too cold to snow? The fact is, no matter how cold a snow-producing cloud is, if it has a source of water, it can build big snowflakes.