Little Red Dots might indicate ancient, growing black holes

Astronomers studying Webb's mysterious Little Red Dots have found evidence they could be ancient galaxies with black holes growing at their centers.

Why are these black hole X-ray flashes accelerating?

Astronomers at MIT have observed unusual black hole X-ray flashes that are accelerating in frequency. A white dwarf star near the black hole might be the cause.

Beloved Gaia spacecraft ending its observations

ESA's Gaia spacecraft has spent more than a decade measuring nearly 2 billion objects in our Milky Way galaxy. Its measurements end on January 15, 2025.

Huygens landed on Saturn’s moon Titan 20 years ago

On January 14, 2005, the Huygens spacecraft descended through the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan and landed on its surface. See the images of Titan.

Surprising spiral galaxy hosting a quasar jet

A recent Hubble image reveals a spiral galaxy hosting a quasar. Typically, quasars are older galaxies that have grown very massive and are not spiral shaped.

Citizen scientists provide insights to Jupiter’s clouds in new study

Scientists thought Jupiter's clouds were made of ammonia. But now, in a new study, citizen scientists provide insights showing that's not the case.

Mercury images from final flyby of BepiColombo!

ESA released new Mercury images from BepiColombo's final flyby of Mercury on January 8, 2025. The spacecraft will eventually go into orbit around Mercury.

Are methane-belching microbes on Mars hiding underground?

A new study suggests microbes on Mars might exist deep below the surface, and in one region in particular. They might even explain Martian mysterious methane.

Kiss and capture: A new explanation for Pluto’s largest moon

Pluto and Charon may not have formed in a destructive collision like Earth and its moon, but through a newly discovered "kiss and capture" mechanism.

3 years of the Webb telescope: Here’s what it’s discovered

In the 3 years since it was launched, Webb has made a host of intriguing discoveries. Here's a rundown of its most important findings so far.