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EarthSky Voices

Martian rock crushed by Curiosity hides a surprise!

The rover Curiosity found sulfur crystals in a Martian rock for the first time. Researchers say they shouldn't be there and are seeking an explanation.

Summer meteor showers are here: Top 10 tips for watching

Meteor showers are unpredictable but nothing beats them for a fun and relaxing time under the stars. Here's our 10 tips to maximize your meteor viewing time.

Learn how to shoot photos of meteors

Want to try to shoot photos of meteors with your camera? The first step is planning. The next step is to gather your equipment. Then on to the capture process.

Eternal sunrises, sunsets viewed on distant exoplanet

The Webb Space Telescope probed eternal sunrises and sunsets on exoplanet WASP-39b. It found differences in the atmospheres.

Spot a fake, AI-generated image by looking at the eyes

A method astronomers use to measure light from galaxies can also be used to tell whether a photo of someone is real or a deepfake AI-generated image.

The next solar cycle – Solar Cycle 26 – is already beginning

Astronomers using helioseismology have peered into the sun to see a pattern indicating the next solar cycle - Solar Cycle 26 - is already beginning.

Precise space storm alerts could help shield Earth’s tech

A new understanding of the heights of magnetic fields in the sun's active regions will lead to precise space storm alerts and help protect technology on Earth.

Here are the US cities most vulnerable to space weather

Scientists identified Milwaukee and Washington, D.C., as US cities most vulnerable to space weather due to the connection of their transformers to the network.

Neutron-star jet sprays like a garden sprinkler

Astronomers using the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa have observed a neutron-star jet with an S shape for the first time.

Frog saunas could help frogs threatened by fungus

Frog saunas could help saved threatened frogs from the chytrid fungus, which has brought 90 species to extinction. Here's how you can help.