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EarthSky Voices

Extreme winds on exoplanet reach 20,000 mph

Astronomers found extreme winds on exoplanet WASP-127b reach 20,000 mph (32,000 km/hr). Read more about these supersonic winds here.

M41 is a faint star cluster near bright Sirius

Sirius is easy to find. It's the sky's brightest star. If you have binoculars and a dark location, look near it for the open star cluster M41.

Andromeda galaxy: Hubble’s largest photomosaic yet

Astronomers have created the largest photomosaic of the Andromeda galaxy yet using Hubble data. The image helps trace the hidden history of Andromeda.
Human World

Is social media polarization about to get worse?

Social media behemoth Meta is planning to use crowdsourced 'community notes' for factchecking. Some experts worry this will only increase online polarization.

Do aliens exist? What scientists really think

Aliens probably exist according to a survey of more than 1,000 scientists. Nearly 87% of them believe in extraterrestrial life.

Freezing rain: The beauty and the danger

What causes the dangerous winter weather - freezing rain - that can down power lines, paralyze cities, bring down trees and cause serious accidents?

Little Red Dots might indicate ancient, growing black holes

Astronomers studying Webb's mysterious Little Red Dots have found evidence they could be ancient galaxies with black holes growing at their centers.

Surprising spiral galaxy hosting a quasar jet

A recent Hubble image reveals a spiral galaxy hosting a quasar. Typically, quasars are older galaxies that have grown very massive and are not spiral shaped.

Mercury images from final flyby of BepiColombo!

ESA released new Mercury images from BepiColombo's final flyby of Mercury on January 8, 2025. The spacecraft will eventually go into orbit around Mercury.

Kiss and capture: A new explanation for Pluto’s largest moon

Pluto and Charon may not have formed in a destructive collision like Earth and its moon, but through a newly discovered "kiss and capture" mechanism.