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Bruce McClure

The Northern Cross: Find the backbone of the Milky Way

The Northern Cross is an asterism - or recognizable pattern of stars - within the constellation Cygnus the Swan. Learn how to find it in your sky here.

M6 and M7: Open star clusters in the Scorpion’s Tail

M6 and M7 are star clusters near Scorpius’ stinger. But you’ll need a dark sky to see these faint but stunning stellar aggregations.

Scorpius the Scorpion is a summertime delight

The southernmost constellation of the zodiac is Scorpius the Scorpion. It's easy to spot on July evenings from most of the globe. It has a distinctive J shape.

What are star trails, and how do I photograph them?

Star trails are long-exposure photographs of stars taken as Earth turns, resulting in streaks of light across the sky. Here's how to photograph star trails.

Coathanger cluster: This star pattern looks like its name

The Coathanger cluster resembles its namesake and is easy to spot with binoculars, using the star Albireo - part of the Summer Triangle - to find it.

Exquisite Albireo, a colorful double star

Albireo, in the constellation Cygnus, is a favorite for stargazers. Through a small telescope, it appears as a beautiful gold star with a dimmer blue companion.

Meet Libra the Scales, a zodiacal constellation

The zodiacal constellation Libra the Scales is a fixture of the evening sky during Northern Hemisphere summer (Southern Hemisphere winter).

Zubenelgenubi is alpha star of Libra the Scales

Zubenelgenubi - Alpha Librae - is a double star, and is the second brightest star in the constellation Libra the Scales.

Latest sunsets follow the summer solstice

Latest sunsets around now for 40 degrees north latitude. Latest sunrises around now for 40 degrees south latitude. Plus, a word about twilight.

Earliest sunrises (or sunsets) come before June solstice

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, your earliest sunrises of the year are happening around now. Southern Hemisphere? Your earliest sunsets are around now.