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Bruce McClure

Is Zubeneschamali in the constellation Libra a green star?

Professional astronomers can explain to you why stars can’t look green. Yet many stargazers insist that Zubeneschamali proves otherwise.

Alphecca, a jewel in Corona Borealis the Northern Crown

Alphecca. Gemma. Alpha Coronae Borealis or simply Alpha Cor Bor. They're all names for a single star, the brightest star in the Northern Crown.

Find the Keystone in Hercules, and the Hercules Cluster M13

Let the bright star Vega guide you to a famous star pattern in Hercules - called the Keystone - and then to the Hercules cluster, aka M13.

Virgo the Maiden represents a harvest goddess

Virgo the Maiden is the largest of the zodiac constellations. A handy mnemonic device - using the Big Dipper and its bright star Spica - make it easy to find.

Polaris is the present-day North Star

Many people think Polaris is the brightest star, but it's only 48th in brightness. Still, Polaris is famous because the entire northern sky wheels around it.

Meet Omega Centauri, a giant star cluster

Omega Centauri is the Milky Way's largest globular star cluster and contains about 10 million stars. It's even visible from parts of the Northern Hemisphere.

Comet Halley, parent of 2 meteor showers

The famous comet Halley spawns both the May Eta Aquariid meteor shower and the October Orionid meteor shower. It'll return to the inner solar system in 2061.

Eta Aquariid meteors are richer from the Southern Hemisphere

The Eta Aquariid meteor shower is better in the Southern Hemisphere because sunrise comes later in May, where it's now autumn and they are moving toward winter.

Cor Caroli, named for the heart of a king

Cor Caroli is a binary star and the brightest star in the northern constellation Canes Venatici, the Hunting Dogs. Its name means Heart of Charles.

1st eclipse season of 2024 starts March 24-25

There are many cycles in the heavens. We're coming up to a noticeable cycle, the 1st eclipse season this year. It starts with a penumbral lunar eclipse.