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Shireen Gonzaga


Nearly extinct Siamese crocodiles hatch in the wild

In June 2024, 60 critically endangered Siamese crocodiles successfully hatched in the wild, in the Cardamom Mountains of Cambodia.

New dog-sized burrowing dinosaur discovered in Utah

Fona herzogae, a newly discovered dinosaur species that once lived in Utah, 99 million years ago, is one of a few known species of burrowing dinosaur.

Denisovans coexisted with modern humans on Tibetan plateau

Scientists reported that an extinct species of humans, known as Denisovans, coexisted on the Tibetan plateau with modern humans.

Why did woolly mammoths go extinct?

It was long thought that the last woolly mammoths on Wrangel Island died out 4,000 years ago due to inbreeding. New DNA analysis refutes this assumption.

Exquisite Albireo, a colorful double star

Albireo, in the constellation Cygnus, is a favorite for stargazers. Through a small telescope, it appears as a beautiful gold star with a dimmer blue companion.

A new horned dinosaur from the Montana badlands

A new species of plant eating horned dinosaur was discovered in Montana. This creature, that lived 78 million years ago, had elaborate horns and frills.

New pterosaur species found in Queensland, Australia

A fossil unearthed in western Queensland, Australia, is a new species of pterosaur. Scientists named it Haliskia peterseni.

Massive ruby red Antares is the Scorpion’s Heart

Red Antares, Heart of the Scorpion in the constellation Scorpius, is a massive red supergiant star in the last stages of its lifespan.

Rare juvenile T. rex discovered by young fossil hunters

A family fossil hunting in the North Dakota badlands stumbled across an intriguing fossil. Later, scientists identified it as a rare juvenile T. rex.

New dinosaur species discovered in Africa

Researchers identified a new dinosaur species from fossils uncovered near Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe. It was a plant-eating dinosaur from 210 million years ago.