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Shireen Gonzaga


An ancient bug preserved in glittering fool’s gold

Scientists analyzed a newly discovered fossilized ancient bug species, 450 million years old, pristinely preserved in pyrite, or fool’s gold.

What did pterosaurs eat? New fossil study reveals their diet

Fossilized stomach contents of 2 pterosaur species offered valuable information about the feeding habits and ecosystems of pterosaurs in the Jurassic period.

Mexican jumping beans are sensitive to the color of light

Larvae in Mexican jumping beans are sensitive to the color of light, jumping more forcefully under red light. Also, damage to the seedpod impairs jumping.

Dolphins make smile-like expressions during play

Bottlenose dolphins use an open-mouth facial expression when playing with each other, resembling what humans might perceive as a “smile.”

Sea robins use their legs to taste the seafloor

Northern sea robins have 3 leg-like fin extensions, in front of each pectoral fin, with sensory organs that can taste the seafloor to detect buried prey.

Delta Cephei helps measure cosmic distances

Delta Cephei is an inconspicuous variable star in the northern constellation Cepheus the King. This important star helped establish the cosmic distance scale.
Human World

Did humans drive Cyprus dwarf hippos and elephants extinct?

A new study shows that now-extinct dwarf hippos and elephants on the island of Cyprus were likely driven to extinction by humans about 14,000 years ago.
Human World

Did social isolation drive Neanderthals to extinction?

New DNA studies of a Neanderthal from France support a theory that Neanderthals became extinct because their populations were isolated, leading to inbreeding.

New dinosaur – a long-necked titanosaur – uncovered in Spain

A new species of titanosaur, a large plant-eating dinosaur with a long neck, was discovered near Cuenca, Spain. It lived 73 million years ago.

Ancient sea cow was attacked by a crocodile and sharks

The fossil remains of a sea cow from the Miocene Period reveal bite marks that suggest it was attacked by a crocodile and subsequently scavenged by sharks.