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Editors of EarthSky

Do you love twilight? The 3 stages explained

Twilight is that magical time between sunlight and darkness. Astronomers, the experts on nighttime, recognize three stages of twilight.

See it! This week’s auroras and Perseids!

The beloved Perseid meteor shower peaked just as auroras were gracing our skies. Wow! See images from the EarthSky community here.

A conjunction happens when 2 worlds meet on the sky dome

A conjunction is when two objects share the same right ascension and are close together in our sky. Some conjunctions can't be seen, but others are spectacular.

August birthstone: Peridot, spinel, or sardonyx

The August birthstone can be crystalline green peridot, colorful spinel, or banded sardonyx. Take your pick of these colorful gemstones, August babies!

Airplane glory: What is it and how to spot one?

An airplane glory is easy to see, if you watch for it. It's the plane's shadow cast on a cloud, or the ground, surrounded by a halo of light.

Radiant point of meteor showers: All you need to know

Meteors enter Earth's atmosphere on parallel paths. So, you'll see meteors appear to come from a single point in the sky: the radiant point!

Can sharks smile? It’s Shark Week on the Discovery Channel

Dogs, monkeys and dolphins all show expressions akin to human smiles. But can sharks smile? They may look as if they're smiling, but are they, really?

Noctilucent clouds: Best season in years, happening now!

It may be the best noctilucent cloud season in years! Europe has had stunning displays of these night-shining clouds. See a gallery of noctilucent clouds.

Asteroid Day to be observed worldwide on June 30

Asteroid Day is celebrated each year on June 30. Events are celebrated in Luxembourg (June 28-29) and around the world. Find more info here.

Draco the Dragon and Thuban, a former pole star

Let your eyes and imagination drift to see the winding shape of Draco the Dragon. And meet Thuban, a former pole star, between the Big and Little Dippers.