What's a supermoon? We had 5 new supermoons earlier in 2024. Now we're having 4 full supermoons in a row. The November 15 supermoon is the last one this year.
There are 4 full supermoons in a row in 2024. The fourth one is November 15. It's the Super Beaver Moon. Supermoons look brighter than ordinary full moons.
Researchers using the Webb telescope discovered a weird galaxy in the early universe where gas outshines its stars and may offer clues to the early universe.
The dog days of summer are named for the Dog Star Sirius - the brightest star in the sky - in the constellation Canis Major the Greater Dog. Learn why here.
Meet Marcy Curran, our voice of the night sky on EarthSky YouTube. Check out her popular short videos in the Sky category on our YouTube channel. When she's not making videos, Marcy is an EarthSky editor, helping to keep our night sky guide up-to-date and just generally helping to keep the wheels turning around here. Marcy has enjoyed stargazing since she was a child, going on family camping trips under the dark skies of Wyoming. She bought her first telescope in time to see Halley’s Comet when it visited the inner solar system in 1986. She co-founded her local astronomy club and remains an active board member. Marcy taught astronomy at her local community college for over 20 years. She and her husband live in Wyoming, in a rural location, with an all-sky camera and super-good horizon views! And, their observatory will soon be ready to photograph the night sky.