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Marcy Curran

Penumbral lunar eclipse March 24-25, 2024

A penumbral lunar eclipse happens overnight on March 24-25, 2024, bringing a subtle shading to the moon. See where it's visible and more, here.

1st of 5 new supermoons in a row starting today

We will have 5 new supermoons in a row, starting on January 11, 2024. The April 8, 2924, new supermoon will result in the April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse!

Chart showing Mars oppositions from 2018 to 2033

Here's why Mars oppositions are sometimes awesome. 2022 is a good year for Mars, but 2020 was even better. The next great Mars opposition is in 2033.

Photos of Comet Nishimura from around the world

Check out these great photos of Comet Nishimura from the EarthSky community. The comet is going into the sun's glare now, it might still be visible.

Full Blue Moon near Saturn: It’s a supermoon on August 30-31

Look for the full moon near Saturn - it's a supermoon and a Blue Moon - overnight on August 30-31, 2023. They're both at their biggest and brightest in 2023.

Moon near Mars after sunset on August 18 and 19

Look for a thin crescent moon near Mars after sunset on the evenings of August 18 and 19, 2023. The moon will pass as close as four full moon widths from Mars.

How DART deflected an asteroid (but released a boulder swarm)

Thanks to DART, we minutely deflected the asteroid from its path in the name of planetary defense. But we also released a boulder swarm.

The largest freshwater wind farm in the world

Windpark Fryslân is the largest freshwater wind farm in the world and can generate enough power to run about 500,000 homes in the Netherlands.

August 1 supermoon: Fav photos from our community

The August supermoon was the 2nd of 4 supermoons in a row. Coming up ... supermoons in late August and September. Enjoy these photos!

Mercury and Regulus form a close pair on July 28

Mercury and Regulus will be close to each other on July 28. In fact, they'll be 1/5 the diameter of the moon from each other. Wow! Don't miss this lovely pair.