Virgo the Maiden represents a harvest goddess

Virgo the Maiden is the largest of the zodiac constellations. A handy mnemonic device - using the Big Dipper and its bright star Spica - make it easy to find.

Centaurus the Centaur contains nearby stars

Centaurus the Centaur is a constellation found in Southern Hemisphere skies that contains some of the closest stars to our sun. Read more here.

Meet Crux, the constellation of the Southern Cross

Crux, the constellation of the Southern Cross, is a hallmark of southern skies and contains the open cluster known as the Jewel Box.

Meet the constellation Leo Minor the Little Lion

Leo Minor the Little Lion is a dim constellation that sits upon the back of the larger Leo the Lion. Read about how to see it in April and May skies.

Meet the Chamaeleon, a southern constellation

The constellation Chamaeleon the Chameleon is a dark patch of sky that lies deep in the Southern Hemisphere and is visible any night of the year.

Meet Sextans, the constellation of the sextant

Sextans the Sextant is in a dim patch of sky between Leo and Hydra that is home to some interesting galaxies, and one of the largest supermassive black holes.

Meet Cancer the Crab and its Beehive cluster

Cancer the Crab is one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac. Learn how to find it in your sky, plus learn about its star cluster, mythology and more.

Meet Canis Minor the Lesser Dog in February

Canis Minor is a small constellation with one notably bright star, Procyon. The constellation of the Lesser Dog follows Orion the Hunter across the sky.

Meet Taurus the Bull in the February evening sky

Taurus the Bull resides near the constellation Orion. It contains 2 famous star clusters that are easy to spot; they are the Pleiades and the Hyades.

Catch a glimpse of Monoceros the Unicorn in the Milky Way

Inside a triangle of 3 bright stars - and hidden within the glitter of the Milky Way - you'll find the constellation of Monoceros the Unicorn.