Vulpecula the Fox is a small constellation inside the Summer Triangle. Amateur astronomers go here to spot the Coathanger Cluster and the Dumbbell Nebula.
The southernmost constellation of the zodiac is Scorpius the Scorpion. It's easy to spot on July evenings from most of the globe. It has a distinctive J shape.
Hercules the Strongman is a great constellation to view in summer. With only a pair of binoculars you can see the globular cluster M13 in the Keystone.
Let your eyes and imagination drift to see the winding shape of Draco the Dragon. And meet Thuban, a former pole star, between the Big and Little Dippers.
Virgo the Maiden is the largest of the zodiac constellations. A handy mnemonic device - using the Big Dipper and its bright star Spica - make it easy to find.