The difference between apparent solar time (the actual time between noons) and mean solar time (the average time between noons) is called the equation of time.
What is the difference between signs of the zodiac and constellations of the zodiac? Astronomer Guy Ottewell illustrates and discusses this difference.
The 1st of this year's 4 eclipses will flit by like a ghost in the night between March 24 and 25. It's a penumbral lunar eclipse, visible in North America. Charts and more from Guy Ottewell here.
The popular and information Astronomical Calendar for 2024 by Guy Ottewell is available. It comes in either electronic or printed form. Learn more here.
Astronomer, artist and poet Guy Ottewell's beloved Astronomical Calendar is back! Find the 2024 calendar here: And visit Guy’s website or his blog at Guy's stories and art are used here with permission, and we are honored to have them. Thank you, Guy! The image shows Guy walking from the Carolina coast to the Blue Ridge mountains one spring (as depicted in Sky & Telescope magazine).