1st American in space, 63 years ago today
Alan Shepard became the 1st American in space on May 5, 1961. His suborbital flight took place just 3 weeks after the Soviet Union's Yuri Gagarin orbited Earth.
Von Kármán vortices are beautiful, swirling clouds
Learn more about beautiful von Kármán vortices, a swirling pattern of clouds seen in satellite images. They occur when flowing fluid is disturbed by an object.
Brightest Stars

Sun news May 5: Another X flare and 2 almost-Xs

Sun news for May 5, 2024. X flare! AR3663 is flaring like crazy. It produced most of the flares during the day including an X flare, and 2 almost-X flares.
Astronomy Essentials

Visible planets and night sky guide for May

Visible planets and night sky guide for May 2024. The Eta Aquariid meteor shower peaks this weekend! Watch today and tomorrow before dawn.

Boeing Starliner 1st crew to launch on Monday. Watch here!

The 1st crewed Boeing Starliner is scheduled to launch to the International Space Station tomorrow, May 6, 2024. Watch a launch livestream here!
Astronomy Essentials

Eta Aquariid meteor shower this weekend! Q&A here

May's Eta Aquariid meteor shower is good over several mornings. But the best time is on May 5 and 6, 2024, in the hours before dawn.
Astronomy Essentials

Comet Halley, parent of 2 meteor showers

The famous comet Halley spawns both the May Eta Aquariid meteor shower and the October Orionid meteor shower. It'll return to the inner solar system in 2061.

Tyrannosaurus rex not so smart, after all

Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaurs had huge skulls, but does that imply they were very smart? Were they as intelligent as monkeys? Crocodiles?

Brazil floods engulf state of Rio Grande do Sul

Brazil floods have inundated the state of Rio Grande do Sul, with houses washed away and rescues ongoing. See more about this and other floods.

Mammatus clouds are ominous and beautiful

Mammatus clouds look like bubbling, low-hanging clouds. They're often associated with thunderstorms. Learn more about them here and see photos.