Sea rays are incredible creatures: Lifeform of the week
Sea rays are descendants of sharks. They have strong teeth and some can be dangerous with stingers or electric discharges.
Astronomy Essentials
Visible planets and night sky guide for June
Visible planets and night sky guide for June 2024. On mid-June mornings, look for Jupiter before sunrise. It'll rise higher before the sun each day.

Sun news June 17, 2024: SWPC is back! 2 M flares

Sun news for June 17, 2024. Two M flares from AR3712 raise activity levels from low to moderate. A coronal hole could send solar wind our way.
Human World

Carbon capture is controversial, but it may be crucial

Carbon capture - first used in the 1920s - has a critical role in reaching net zero emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
Astronomy Essentials

2024 June solstice: All you need to know

The June solstice will happen on June 20, 2024. It's the longest day for the Northern Hemisphere and the shortest day for the Southern Hemisphere.

Boötes the Herdsman and its bright star Arcturus

Boötes the Herdsman is a large constellation that holds one of the brightest stars in the sky, Arcturus. Only 3 other stars and the sun are brighter.

Spotted! Water frost on Mars volcanoes for 1st time

For the 1st time, an orbiting spacecraft has detected water frost on Mars volcanoes. The daily amount of frost could fill 60 Olympic swimming pools.
Human World

What does summer mean to you?

What does summer mean to you? Here are some of the answers you shared on social media. And tune in to our livestream on June 17, at 12:15 p.m. CDT.

Did Earth lose its protective bubble 2 million years ago?

About 2 million years ago, the solar system may have collided with a cold cloud of gas, shrinking the sun's protective bubble and exposing Earth to space.

What is the heliosphere and how can we measure it?

The heliosphere is a bubble of solar gas that extends outward and protects the planets from interstellar radiation. Scientists would like a probe to study it.