Astronomy Essentials
Saturn’s rings: Top tips for seeing those glorious rings
If you want to see Saturn's rings, September 2024 is a great time to look. Grab a telescope, find a dark sky and read the tips found here!
Pioneer 11 swept past Saturn 45 years ago today
Pioneer 11 was the 1st spacecraft to encounter Saturn. A true pioneer, it paved the way for the 2 Voyagers in 1980 and 1981 plus Cassini from 2004 to 2017.

Water on exoplanets is mostly hidden deep inside

A new study shows there is likely much more water on exoplanets than previously thought. Most of it would be hidden in a planet's interior.

Underwater robots to explore beneath Antarctic ice

Scientists have designed underwater robots to study ice melt patterns beneath Antarctic ice shelves. They tested the robots in the Arctic Ocean.

Virga is rain that doesn’t reach the ground

Learn what virga is and how it forms, and see great photos to help you learn how to identify it yourself! Plus, learn if radar can pick up virga.
Astronomy Essentials

Visible planets and night sky guide for September

Visible planets and night sky guide for September 2024. Six planets grace the early morning sky. The moon is close to Mercury and the star Procyon.

Sun news September 1: Activity coming over east limb

Sun news for September 1: Sun activity is rising over the eastern solar limb (edge), showing itself in the form of flares and dancing prominences.
Astronomy Essentials

Mercury farthest from the sunrise on September 5

Mercury reaches its greatest elongation - greatest distance from the sunrise - on September 5, 2024. Look east at dawn. It'll brighten for the next few weeks.

Probes see fast solar wind getting a magnetic shove

Combined data from ESA and NASA has demonstrated how fluctuations in the sun's magnetic field accelerate and heat the solar wind.
Astronomy Essentials

Zodiacal light: Start watching for it now

The zodiacal light is an eerie light extending up from the horizon before dawn around the Northern Hemisphere autumn. Southern Hemisphere? Look after sunset!