Juno images of Europa reveal a complex, active surface
NASA has released some images of Europa, the ocean moon of Jupiter. They provide new clues about the moon's ice shell and other intriguing surface features.
Brightest Stars
Sun news May 21, 2024: Sun activity is on the far side now
Sun news for May 21, 2024. Sun activity has been on the far side. The Earth-facing sun has shown only low activity.
Astronomy Essentials

What is a galaxy? All you need to know about galaxies

What is a galaxy? We live in a galaxy called the Milky Way. But there is so much more to know about these grand and glorious star islands in space!
Human World

Scientists discover a nitroplast, the 1st of its kind

Scientists announced the discovery of the first nitroplast, a nitrogen-fixing organelle. It's just the 4th example in history of primary endosymbiosis.
Astronomy Essentials

Visible planets and night sky guide for May

Visible planets and night sky guide for May 2024. Tomorrow evening, the almost full moon will lie near the bright red star Antares in Scorpius the Scorpion.

Boeing Starliner 1st crew launch postponed to May 25

The 1st crewed Boeing Starliner launch to the International Space Station was postponed to May 25 due to a rocket issue. Get updates here.

Colorful iguanas are our lifeform of the week

Iguanas are formidable, armored reptiles that can change color and detach their tails. Plus, they have a third eye! All you need to know about iguanas, here.
Human World

Will solar flares destroy modern civilization? Nah

David Wallace of Mississippi State University talks to Deborah Byrd about solar flares and the impact a big storm from the sun would have on Earth today.

New evidence for Planet 9 at the fringes of our solar system

Researchers said the bunching of small objects beyond Neptune fits perfectly with the existence of a Planet 9 hiding on the outskirts of our solar system.

Mars craters pop in new images from ExoMars

Mars craters pop in these new images showcasing the diversity of impacts across the red planet. ESA's ExoMars mission took these images. See them here!