Ring the fish doorbell to help fish migrate!

Ring the fish doorbell to help fish migrating to their spawning grounds! The fish are stuck behind a lock in the Netherlands, but you can help.

Otters are cute! They’re our lifeform of the week

Otters are cute, fluffy, smart and good swimmers. Have you fallen in love with them yet? Here are some interesting facts about them.

Von Kármán vortices are beautiful, swirling clouds

Learn more about beautiful von Kármán vortices, a swirling pattern of clouds seen in satellite images. They occur when flowing fluid is disturbed by an object.

Tyrannosaurus rex not so smart, after all

Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaurs had huge skulls, but does that imply they were very smart? Were they as intelligent as monkeys? Crocodiles?

Brazil floods engulf state of Rio Grande do Sul

Brazil floods have inundated the state of Rio Grande do Sul, with houses washed away and rescues ongoing. See more about this and other floods.

Mammatus clouds are ominous and beautiful

Mammatus clouds look like bubbling, low-hanging clouds. They're often associated with thunderstorms. Learn more about them here and see photos.

Vultures are the best clean-up crew: Lifeform of the week

One might think of vultures as animals that make you cringe, but, really, they win the gold medal for cleaning the environment and protecting us from disease.

Oldest evidence of Earth’s magnetic field in Greenland rocks

The oldest signatures of Earth’s magnetic field, from 3.7 billion years ago, were found in rocks from Greenland's Isua Supracrustal Belt region.

Rare dinosaur tracks are longest continuous set of sauropod footprints

Dinosaur tracks from 150 million years ago remain preserved at high altitudes outside Ouray, Colorado. Now they're on public lands, and you can visit!

Save the Frogs Day is today, Sunday, April 28

Save the Frogs Day - a global amphibian conservation effort - is today, Sunday, April 28, 2024. Amphibian health is an important marker of ecosystem quality.