Neutron-star jet sprays like a garden sprinkler

Astronomers using the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa have observed a neutron-star jet with an S shape for the first time.

Apollo 11 landing and footsteps on the moon 55 years ago

Today is the 55th anniversary of humanity's historic Apollo moon landing and the 1st human footsteps on the moon. Here is the story in pictures.

Comet 13P/Olbers will be closest to Earth today

Comet 13P/Olbers is making its closest approach to Earth today, July 20, 2024. Want to see it for yourself? Check out the finder maps here.

Does phosphine on Venus mean … life?

2 research teams say they found more signs of phosphine on Venus. They also announced a tentative detection of ammonia: another possible biosignature gas.

Evidence for intermediate-mass black hole in Omega Centauri

A new study finds strong evidence for an intermediate-mass black hole - an elusive type - in the Omega Centauri globular cluster.

The electromagnetic spectrum: It’s more than visible light

The light our eyes can detect is only a sliver of the light out there. The electromagnetic spectrum describes all the wavelengths of light, seen and unseen.

1st lunar lava tube discovered by NASA moon orbiter

An international team of researchers said it has found the 1st evidence for an ancient lunar lava tube on the moon. It is located in Mare Tranquillitatis.

Dark comets could make up 60% of near-Earth objects

Dark comets are icy bodies that likely come from the inner band of the asteroid belt. Approximately 60% of near-Earth objects may be dark comets.

Shoemaker-Levy 9 impact on Jupiter 30 years ago

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 hit Jupiter in 1994, 30 years ago, scarring the gaseous surface and leaving behind water that remained in the atmosphere for decades.

This desert moss could grow on Mars, no greenhouse needed

Scientists in China say a desert moss commonly found on Earth can survive the harsh conditions of Mars. Future astronauts could use it to grow other plants.