Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is shrinking! But why?

A new study suggests Jupiter's Great Red Spot is shrinking due to a lack of smaller storms to fuel it. See images of the storm over the years here.

Mercury may have a 10-mile-thick layer of diamonds

An international team of scientists have said Mercury may have a layer of diamonds 10 miles (16 km) thick near the boundary of the planet's core and mantle.

Ancient life on Mars? Rover finds intriguing ‘leopard spots’

Has NASA's Perseverance rover found traces of ancient life on Mars? A rock with "leopard spots" has scientists intrigued and puzzled. Find out more.

Do Titan’s seas resemble earthly seas? Researchers say yes

New analysis of radar data from Cassini shows that Titan's seas and hydrological systems behave much like those on Earth despite the different compositions.

Signs of life on ocean moons may be just below the surface

NASA scientists said we could find evidence of life on ocean moons like Europa and Enceladus by looking for amino acids just inches below their icy surfaces.

Martian rock crushed by Curiosity hides a surprise!

The rover Curiosity found sulfur crystals in a Martian rock for the first time. Researchers say they shouldn't be there and are seeking an explanation.

Will this ‘hairpin turn’ exoplanet become a hot Jupiter?

Astronomers have found a 'hairpin turn' exoplanet with an extremely elongated orbit. It also orbits its star backward and may eventually become a hot Jupiter.

Scorching storms on brown dwarfs revealed by Webb

NASA's Webb Space Telescope has created a new weather map of extreme storms on a binary pair of brown dwarfs only 6 light-years away.

Eternal sunrises, sunsets viewed on distant exoplanet

The Webb Space Telescope probed eternal sunrises and sunsets on exoplanet WASP-39b. It found differences in the atmospheres.

What is a planet? Jean-Luc Margot wants a new definition

What is a planet? Under the 2006 definition for "planet," Pluto lost full planet status. Learn about a proposed new definition.