Did meteorites create the moon’s atmosphere?

Did meteorites create the moon's atmosphere? A new study of soil samples - collected by Apollo astronauts in the 1970s - says yes.

Gaia spots over 350 asteroids with possible moons

The Gaia mission has revealed hundreds of asteroids with possible moons. The info comes from precise measurements of orbits of more than 150,000 asteroids.

When the DART mission struck an asteroid moon

Scientists analyzing data from the DART mission in 2022 have found new evidence of how the binary asteroid system of Didymos and Dimorphos originated.

Why technosignatures from solar panels might be unlikely

Technosignatures - signs of an advanced alien civilization - in the form of solar panels may be difficult to detect, a new study says.

Meet the Nancy Grace Roman space telescope

The Nancy Grace Roman space telescope, slated for launch in 2027, will explore the cosmic dawn and search for exoplanets in the Milky Way.

Dark matter hunters explore the strangest of places

Recent research suggests evidence for dark matter is - or might be found - in extreme locations. Researchers are looking in distant galaxies and here on Earth.

Saturn’s rings are disappearing!

Saturn's rings are disappearing from view. The rings will appear edge-on in March 2025. Because they're so thin, the rings will disappear from Earth's sight.

The flavor of our galaxy … raspberries and rum?

Is the flavor of our galaxy rum and raspberries? One study suggested it might be, and Torani used this as inspiration for their 2024 flavor of the year: Galaxy.

Mars Curiosity rover’s ‘7 minutes of terror’ 12 years ago

To celebrate the 12-year anniversary of Curiosity rover's arrival on Mars, here’s a video on the final 7 minutes of its chilling descent on August 5-6, 2012.

Does Uranus’ moon Ariel have a hidden ocean?

Researchers using NASA's Webb space telescope have found Uranus' moon Ariel may have a subsurface ocean, similar to Europa, Enceladus and others.