Astronomer Michael Brown: ‘I killed Pluto. Now I’m searching for Planet 9’

Cool astronomy livestream on Monday, July 14! EarthSky's Deborah Byrd will be talking with astronomer Michael Brown, who calls himself "the man who killed Pluto."

Eyeball ocean world? Webb reveals an intriguing super-Earth

NASA's Webb space telescope has revealed that exoplanet LHS 1140 b is a super-Earth ocean world. It may have an ocean on one side or a global ice-covered ocean.

Will the official definition of a planet change … again?

Astronomers will vote on a new definition of a planet in August 2024. The update would include exoplanets and set mass limits.

Falcon 9 return to flight OK’d by FAA

A SpaceX Falcon 9 launched Thursday night exploded. It was carrying a Starlink satellites that failed to reach their proper orbit and are now expected to make a fiery reentry.

Odd swirls on the moon may be from subsurface magma

Scientists at Washington University in St. Louis said odd, light-colored swirls on the moon may be the result of rocks magnetized by magma below the surface.

Do dark matter collisions on Jupiter glow in the infrared?

Researchers think dark matter collisions make Jupiter's atmosphere glow in infrared light. It would provide another way to detect the mysterious substance.

Giant stinky exoplanet smells like rotten eggs

Astronomers say that the giant stinky exoplanet HD 189733 b smells so bad - like rotten eggs - thanks to hydrogen sulfide in its atmosphere.

Exoplanets are worlds orbiting other stars

Exoplanets are worlds orbiting distant stars. Watch a video with an astronomer who studies them. Learn the history of our knowledge of exoplanets, and more.

Did a comet burst crash Earth’s climate 12,800 years ago?

Evidence suggests a celestial body exploded in Earth's atmosphere 12,800 years ago. The comet burst may have cooled the climate for around 1,200 years.

Artificial star to help probe a range of cosmic mysteries

The Landolt Space Mission will orbit an artificial star to aid with telescope calibration. Better data will lead to new insights on a range of cosmic mysteries.