Shapes of early galaxies: surfboards and pool noodles

NASA's Webb space telescope has revealed that many early galaxies in the universe resembled surfboards and pool noodles in shape.

Is this nearby exoplanet a water world? Or a mini-Neptune?

A new study says that an exoplanet 50 light-years away is either a water world or a mini-Neptune. NASA's Webb telescope might tell us which it is.

Miles-thick buried water ice at Mars’ equator?

Planetary scientists knew there were massive buried deposits near Mars' equator, but not what they consisted of. New research found that it's buried water ice.

Astronomers find a galaxy without stars by accident

Astronomers pointed a radio telescope at the wrong coordinates in space and ended up discovering a primordial galaxy without stars.

Amino acids on Venus? New study says it’s possible

A new study shows that amino acids could survive in the sulfuric acid droplets in Venus' clouds. And if there are amino acids on Venus, what about life itself?

Titan’s magic islands appear and disappear in liquid seas

How do Titan's magic islands form in its hydrocarbon seas? A new study says they are likely porous, similar to a honeycomb, and composed of organic material.

OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample container finally unstuck

After months of effort, NASA has finally removed two stubborn fasteners that prevented access to the asteroid sample from Bennu.

Farthest fast radio burst, in a weird place

The most distant known fast radio burst flashed from an unlikely place: a collection of galaxies that existed when the universe was only 5 billion years old.

Small Magellanic Cloud revealed as 2 objects

A new study, not yet peer-reviewed, suggests the Small Magellanic Cloud may not be 1 galaxy but 2 star-forming regions superimposed along our line of sight.

Habitable exoplanets may have less carbon dioxide

A new study says that rocky habitable exoplanets likely have less carbon dioxide in their atmospheres as compared to similar planets in the same system.