Wow! See 19 spiral galaxies in stunning new Webb images

NASA's Webb Space Telescope has taken stunning new images of 19 spiral galaxies. Besides being breathtaking to look at, they are rich in science data.

Webb sees a cat’s tail in Beta Pictoris

Astronomers using the Webb space telescope discovered a cat's tail in Beta Pictoris, one of the best-known and most fascinating star systems.

New stamps feature Webb images of the cosmos!

Two new stamps feature Webb images of our amazing universe. The U.S. Postal Service issued them on January 22, 2024, to celebrate Webb's incredible mission.

Astronomers find smallest exoplanet yet with water vapor

Astronomers have found the smallest exoplanet yet with water vapor. GJ 9827 d is a hot steamy world. But is it rocky like Earth or a mini-Neptune?

Here’s what ‘habitable’ means to astronomers

When astronomers say a distant world is 'habitable,' what do they mean? Do they mean humans could live there? Do they mean we've discovered alien life?

SKA telescope 1st light! Milky Way core and more

A prototype antenna for the new SKA telescope, to be located in South Africa and Australia, just made a big step forward with a 1st-light image!

Oldest-known black hole is eating its galaxy

Astronomers have discovered the oldest-known black hole. It dates back more than 13 billion years, to when the universe was only 400 million years old.

The moon is shrinking, causing moonquakes near planned Artemis landing sites

The moon is shrinking and causing moonquakes and faults near its south pole. But this region is important for future Artemis missions because of ice.

The universe may be younger than we thought

A new study analyzed the motions of satellite galaxy pairs around a large galaxy group and showed the universe may be younger than the standard model predicts.

Exoplanet with a tail: a hot Jupiter looks like a giant comet

Researchers at UCLA have found an exoplanet with a tail. The hot Jupiter WASP-69b has a huge comet-like tail of gas 350,000 miles (560,000 km) long.