Frog saunas could help frogs threatened by fungus

Frog saunas could help saved threatened frogs from the chytrid fungus, which has brought 90 species to extinction. Here's how you can help.

Media we love: Archaeology from Space by Sarah Parcak

Archaeology from Space by Sarah Parcak explains how satellite imagery can reveal hidden antiquities from the Egyptians, Maya, Vikings and more.

This desert moss could grow on Mars, no greenhouse needed

Scientists in China say a desert moss commonly found on Earth can survive the harsh conditions of Mars. Future astronauts could use it to grow other plants.

Kangaroo rats are desert dwellers: Lifeform of the week

Kangaroo rats are small rodents, but they are highly skilled and know how to defend themselves from different predators, including poisonous snakes.

Map shows extreme heat hammering U.S. coasts

Extreme heat has hammered the U.S. already this summer. Take a look at a map of the states and read more about the heat on the East and West Coasts.

Denisovans coexisted with modern humans on Tibetan plateau

Scientists reported that an extinct species of humans, known as Denisovans, coexisted on the Tibetan plateau with modern humans.

Death Valley to break all-time Earth heat record?

The National Weather Service is forecasting a high of 131 F (55 C) for Death Valley National Park in California on Thursday. Will it set a new record?

Dead man’s fingers are our creepy lifeform of the week

Zombies are not awakening (as far as we know) ... If you see what looks like dead man's fingers in the forest, you probably saw a creepy type of fungus.

Can sharks smile? It’s Shark Week on the Discovery Channel

Dogs, monkeys and dolphins all show expressions akin to human smiles. But can sharks smile? They may look as if they're smiling, but are they, really?

Hurricane Beryl regaining strength, heading to Texas

Tropical storm Beryl - predicted to become Hurricane Beryl before it makes landfall - is now in the Gulf of Mexico, heading toward the Texas coastline.