Water worlds common on red dwarfs? Maybe.

Scientists at the University of Chicago say that water worlds are likely common around red dwarf stars. Most of that water is probably underground, however.

Launches: Harmony is ESA’s 10th Earth Explorer mission

In Launches: The latest ESA FutureEO mission, Harmony, is the 10th mission in the Earth Explorer program. Learn more about it here.

Launches: Last West Coast Delta IV launch September 24

In Launches: The last Delta IV heavy-lift vehicle launch in California will carry the NROL-91 mission on September 24, 2022, from Vandenberg Space Force Base.

Launches: SpaceX tests Starship, gains clients

In Launches: SpaceX plans to make 100 trips to space in 2023, including new flights for old clients and former clients of the shunned Russian space agency.

Launches: Expedition 67 crew arrives safely at ISS

In Launches: An American astronaut and 2 Russian cosmonauts are now aboard the ISS after lifting off the morning of September 21, 2022.

InSight hears meteoroid impacts on Mars

NASA's InSight hears meteoroid impacts on Mars for the 1st time, scientists say. You can hear the impacts from these space rocks, too. Listen here.

Webb sees Neptune’s rings and moons. Wow!

Webb sees Neptune's rings and moons! They're the best images in 30 years, since Voyager 2 swept past. See the new Webb images here.

Launches: SLS meets test goals despite leak

In Launches: NASA performed a test on the leak on Artemis' SLS fueling system on September 21, 2022, and said it met all test objectives.

Was Charon’s red cap formed by cryovolcanoes?

Why does Pluto's moon Charon look red on top? A new study from researchers at Purdue University suggests that cryovolcanic eruptions created Charon's red cap.

Webb’s 1st Mars images: A heat map and more

Webb's 1st Mars images and spectra were released on September 19, 2022 ... and wow! It's like seeing a whole new Mars.