What are brown dwarfs?

Brown dwarfs are more massive than a planet, but less massive than a star. They can be found orbiting stars, or traveling around in the galaxy on their own.

A geomagnetic storm is caused by activity on the sun

A geomagnetic storm is a disturbance in Earth's magnetic field, caused by activity on the sun. The current solar cycle number 25 has triggered a few of them.

New protoplanet discovered 374 light-years away

An international team of astronomers has discovered a new protoplanet - a young, still-forming planet - 374 light-years from Earth. It is still buried in dust.

1st image of a black hole … now new and improved!

Do you remember the 1st-ever photo of a black hole released in 2019? Researchers have now produced an even better, sharper version using machine learning.

3D map of giant galaxy M87 shows it’s potato-shaped

Scientists analyzed the motion of stars to make a new 3D map of giant galaxy M87. This map shows that the huge elliptical galaxy has a potato shape.

Is there a space race between the United States and China?

Is the U.S. in a space race with China? While both are actively expanding their presence in space and their goals for the moon, one country is still far ahead.

$25K reward offered for meteorite from daylight fireball

A museum is offering a $25,000 reward for a piece of a meteorite that fell on April 8, 2023 on the US-Canada border.

See Mercury’s sodium tail in specially filtered photographs

The closest planet to the sun, Mercury, has a tail much like a comet. See Mercury's sodium tail in photographs through special filters and learn more about it.

Neptune Trojans now seen as redder

Astronomers used a trio of telescopes to measure the "redness" of the Neptune Trojans, asteroids in Neptune's orbit. Turns out they're redder than expected.

A magnetic field on a nearby Earth-sized exoplanet?

For the 1st time, astronomers have detected a possible magnetic field on a rocky exoplanet similar in size to Earth, only 12 light-years away.