Bizarre star bridge links galaxy to runaway black hole

Scientists have identified a 200,000-light-years-long trail of young blue stars - a star bridge - linking a runaway black hole and the galaxy it's escaping.

Navigate a new Mars map of craters and volcanoes

A new Mars map mosaic lets scientists and the public alike zoom in on surface features on the red planet. Learn more about this interactive map here.

Alpha Centauri planets? TOLIMAN will search

Are there any habitable planets orbiting the 2 sun-like stars of Alpha Centauri? We don't know yet, but the TOLIMAN mission will search for them.

Giant exoplanet has 2 suns and swirling sand

NASA's Webb space telescope has detected swirling, gritty clouds of silicates and numerous molecules in the atmosphere of a giant exoplanet 40 light-years away.

Volcanoes on Venus … Wow! New map here

Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have compiled a new global map of the known volcanoes on Venus ... All 85,000 of them.

What is the Earth’s most distant spacecraft?

The most distant spacecraft from Earth is Voyager 1. Launched in 1977, Voyager 1 is a few billion miles farther from Earth than its sibling, Voyager 2.

Innermost TRAPPIST-1 exoplanet is hot and airless

NASA's Webb space telescope has found that TRAPPIST-1 b, the innermost planet in the TRAPPIST-1 system, is airless and too hot for life.

Icy rain from Saturn’s rings is heating the planet

A new discovery shows an icy rain from Saturn's rings affects the planet's atmosphere. This insight could help lead to the discovery of rings around exoplanets.

Brightest gamma-ray burst of ‘all time’

The brightest gamma-ray burst of all time - or at least so far - blasted into the collective consciousness of earthly astronomers on October 9, 2022.

Terminator zones and the search for life

A new study shows that exoplanet terminator zones - regions on worlds with permanent day and night sides - might be able to support life.