Did Europa’s carbon dioxide come from its ocean?

Two new studies suggest that Europa's carbon dioxide deposits originate in the moon's subsurface ocean. The results support a habitable ocean environment.

There may be less water ice on the moon than we thought

We know there is water ice on the moon. But a new study suggests there is less of it in the moon's permanently shadowed regions than we previously thought.

Closest black holes yet in famous Hyades star cluster?

Researchers in Europe say that they may have found the closest known black holes to Earth, in the Hyades open star cluster 150 light-years away.

Stunning new images from Chandra X-ray Observatory

Check out these new images from Chandra X-Ray Observatory. They show exploding stars, galaxies, the Milky Way's galactic center, and more.

Aliens on TRAPPIST-1e could find us by our pollution

Researchers show how an alien civilization on TRAPPIST-1e could find us by detecting our pollution. They simulated Earth as seen from 40 light-years away.

Guy Ottewell asks, is there a smile across the sky?

Guy Ottewell explores and explains the different view of the current objects near the western horizon from the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Why is the Pleiades star cluster called the Seven Sisters?

To most people,, the Pleiades cluster looks like a tiny misty dipper of six little stars. Yet the Pleiades is sometimes called the Seven Sisters. Why?

A new Earthlike planet in the distant Kuiper Belt?

A recent computer model predicts a new Earthlike planet that lies hidden in the outermost solar system. Will we search for it? Will we find it?

Most distant galactic magnetic field yet, in galaxy 9io9

Astronomers using the ALMA telescope have taken a close look at galaxy 9io9. The galaxy's magnetic field is the most distant that scientists have yet seen.

The Habitable Worlds Observatory aims to spot alien life

NASA's future Habitable Worlds Observatory will analyze the atmospheres of exoplanets, looking for signatures of alien life. Read more about this mission.