Jupiter’s moon Io has a new volcano! See pics here

Jupiter's moon Io has a new volcano! The volcano appears in Juno spacecraft images from February 2024. Streams of lava and sulfur stains mark its flanks.

Watch a star’s surface bubble in fantastic video and images

For the 1st time, astronomers have watched a star's surface bubble in magnificent detail. The bubbling is hot gases on a star 178 light-years away.

Earth to get an asteroid mini-moon for 2 months

Earth will get an asteroid mini-moon for 2 months when the 33-foot-wide 2024 PT5 makes a close pass of our planet and makes a temporary loop about us.

Human-made meteor shower could hit Earth in a decade

When DART spacecraft hit asteroid Dimorphos, it released debris that should arrive at Mars and Earth, creating the 1st human-made meteor shower for the planets.

A buddy for Betelgeuse? Does this mean no supernova?

A recently-published study suggests the red giant star Betelgeuse may have a sun-size companion which might affect the star's brightness and variability.

LIVE on Monday: Moon crazy, with Robert Reeves

Join us from 12:15 CDT (17:15 UTC) on Monday, September 9, 2024, as lunar astrophotographer Robert Reeves discusses ways to appreciate our moon.

Moon’s volcanoes were erupting only 120 million years ago

Scientists in China, studying samples brought back by the Chang’e-5 mission, say that the moon's volcanoes were active as recently as 120 million years ago.

How asteroid Phaethon can spawn the Geminid meteors

Phaethon is a weird asteroid that behaves like a comet. It's also responsible for the Geminid meteor shower. Find out how it does so, here.

Small asteroid hit Earth’s atmosphere Thursday, Sep 5

A small asteroid harmlessly hit Earth's atmosphere above the northern Philippines around 16:39 UTC on September 5, 2024. Watch the videos of the event here!

Jupiter’s moon slammed and tipped by giant asteroid?

About 4 billion years ago, a huge asteroid - 20 times larger than Earth's dinosaur-killer - struck Jupiter's moon Ganymede and tilted its orientation.