Direct black hole images that are 50% clearer?

Astronomers with the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration have developed a new technique that will produce direct black hole images with 50% better resolution.

Pioneer 11 swept past Saturn 45 years ago today

Pioneer 11 was the 1st spacecraft to encounter Saturn. A true pioneer, it paved the way for the 2 Voyagers in 1980 and 1981 plus Cassini from 2004 to 2017.

Water on exoplanets is mostly hidden deep inside

A new study shows there is likely much more water on exoplanets than previously thought. Most of it would be hidden in a planet's interior.

New Horizons measures the darkness of deep space

The New Horizons spacecraft - in the far reaches of our solar system - is in a dark enough environment to accurately measure the light of the distant universe.

4 asteroids named for amateur astronomer’s great-grandparents

Amateur astronomer Filipp Romanov has discovered four asteroids and they are now named for his great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers.

Did black holes make early galaxies blaze really brightly?

According to new analysis of observations by the Webb space telescope, early galaxies' extra brightness may come from the active black holes at their centers.

New SETI search goes beyond our Milky Way

A new SETI search for extraterrestrial intelligence, by astronomers in Australia, is the 1st of its kind. It looked for technosignatures in distant galaxies.

Measuring the speed of winds on Mars using sound

Scientists have developed a new technique - using the travel time of sound - to measure the speeds of winds on Mars with greater accuracy than ever before.

Ancient Mars lake was larger than any on Earth

Lake Eridania is our earthly name for the largest known Mars lake. This ancient lake was bigger than any lakes on Earth. Where did it go?

Voyager 2: Our 1st and last visit to Neptune

On today's date, August 25, 1989, Voyager 2 flew over the north pole of Neptune, making its closest approach to a planet in its outer solar system Grand Tour.