Gravity between Mars and Earth drives climate and currents

Seafloor sediments provided new evidence that a 2.4 million-year-long resonance between Mars and Earth affects long-term changes in ocean currents and temps.

Pluto’s ocean is super salty, scientists say

A new analysis of data from NASA's New Horizons mission shows Pluto's ocean is just a little denser than seawater on Earth. You could easily float in it.

Gliese 12 b, an intriguing Earth- or Venus-sized world

Gliese 12 b might have Earth-like temperatures or be more like a hot Venus. It orbits a red dwarf star, only 40 light-years away.

Webb solves mystery of puffy exoplanet WASP-107 b

Why does the puffy exoplanet WASP-107 b have a density similar to a marshmallow? New findings from Webb show it is hot on the inside due to tidal heating.

Active Venus volcanoes revealed again in Magellan data

In a new analysis of radar data from the Magellan spacecraft, scientists have found more evidence for active Venus volcanoes.

Earth-sized exoplanet discovered around ultracool dwarf star

Astronomers have discovered a new Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting the ultracool dwarf star SPECULOOS-3. But any atmosphere it had is probably long gone.

Stargazing in national parks around the world

Stargazing in national parks ... yes! Increasing light pollution in the United States makes national parks some of the last dark refuges.

How to see the International Space Station in your sky

The International Space Station has been orbiting our planet since 1998. Here's how to spot the ISS soaring overhead in your nighttime sky.

Juno images of Europa reveal a complex, active surface

NASA has released some images of Europa, the ocean moon of Jupiter. They provide new clues about the moon's ice shell and other intriguing surface features.

New evidence for Planet 9 at the fringes of our solar system

Researchers said the bunching of small objects beyond Neptune fits perfectly with the existence of a Planet 9 hiding on the outskirts of our solar system.