Snowflakes form in a myriad of different shapes from hexagonal plates to exquisite symmetrically-branching crystals, depending on the temperature and humidity.
Steamboat Geyser in Yellowstone National Park began a new period of heightened activity in March 2018. It's had more than 100 major eruptions since then. Scientists want to know why.
Show your love for birds by joining the 2021 Great Backyard Bird Count. It's free and easy to participate in this 4-day global event. Find out how here.
Deanna Conners is an Environmental Scientist who holds a Ph.D. in Toxicology and an M.S. in Environmental Studies. Her interest in toxicology stems from having grown up near the Love Canal Superfund Site in New York. Her current work is to provide high-quality scientific information to the public and decision-makers and to help build cross-disciplinary partnerships that help solve environmental problems. She writes about Earth science and nature conservation for EarthSky.