Scientists report seasonal changes on sun

Migrating bands of magnetic fields on the sun produce 2-year variations in solar activity as strong as those in the more familiar 11-year solar cycle.

A seasonal tornado forecast would be tricky to create

There's a seasonal hurricane forecast. Why no seasonal tornado forecast? Here's why an official tornado or severe weather outlook for the United States would be tricky to create.

Large Hadron Collider is back up!

The world's largest particle smasher restarted Sunday after a two-year upgrade.

Plant’s pollination synchronized with full moon

Two scientists accidentally discovered pollination in a species of Ephedra is correlated with the full moon. The finding is a first for the plant world.

This songbird migrates 1,500 miles non-stop

The tiny blackpoll warbler completes a nonstop flight across the Atlantic in just two to three days. Amazing!

Spring means these 4 hibernators are waking up

With the onset of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, animals that hibernate are waking up from a long-period of deep sleep.

Auroras in motion

Sergio Garcia Rill created this video from 4,450 aurora photos! Take 3 minutes to watch this green and ghostly time-lapse of the Alaskan northern lights.

Like coastlines? You’ll like this video

Should you spend a glorious summer day - or a cold, windy winter day - collecting beach-cast seabird carcasses in the name of citizen science? Maybe. Watch a video.

Shrinking of Antarctic ice shelves is accelerating

A new study shows that not only has Antarctica's ice shelf volume gone down, but losses have accelerated over the past decade.

Before and after cyclone Pam

Views from above, before and after cyclone Pam devastated the island nation of Vanuatu earlier this month.