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Matt Daniel

What are waterspouts, and how do they form?

Waterspouts are essentially tornadoes that form over water. They happen all over the world. In the U.S., they're most common near Florida and the Gulf of Mexico.

It’s Hurricane Preparedness Week. Are you ready?

May 5-11, 2019, is Hurricane Preparedness Week in the U.S. If a hurricane were approaching, would you and your family be ready? This post will tell you how to prepare.

What you need to know about derechos

Derechos typically form in late spring and summer. They are violent storm systems that can produce widespread wind damage across a large area. Check out the images in this post.

What are haboobs? Amazing pics and videos

Dust storms, also known as haboobs, occur when winds from dying thunderstorms push downward and pick up sand and dirt across desert areas. Amazing pics and video from last summer's haboobs in Arizona, here.

Florence tracking toward U.S. coast: How to stay safe

Hurricane Florence is on track to hit the U.S. East Coast as a major storm later this week. Here are some tips if a hurricane is heading toward your area.

Watch wind flowing across US in real time

The wind map updates every hour and lets you see the movement, flow, and speeds of wind across the United States. Go see it! It's great!

Category 5 Cyclone Winston slams Fiji

The strongest tropical cyclone recorded so far in 2016 - and Fiji's strongest tropical cyclone ever - made landfall Saturday evening.

Hurricane Patricia slams into Mexico

Floods and landslides remain a risk from Patricia - strongest storm yet recorded in the Western Hemisphere. The storm caused less damage than expected. It went from a tropical storm to a Category 5 hurricane in just 24 hours.

1,000-year rainfall hits South Carolina

Roads washed out. People trapped in cars. Seven deaths as of Sunday evening. And it's still raining, but the rain should taper off by Monday night.

U.S. Southeast braces for floods

U.S. landfall looks increasingly unlikely. "Historical" flooding possible in parts of the U.S. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic.