Warmer ocean may be releasing frozen methane

Bubble plumes off of Oregon and Washington suggest a warmer ocean might be releasing frozen methane.

El Niño strengthening

"This baby is too big to fail,” said NASA climatologist Bill Patzert. “Over North America, this winter will definitely not be normal."

Which animals live on glaciers?

Icy glaciers and perennial snow patches provide a home or resting place for 19 species of birds and 16 species of mammals - 17, if humans are included.

Coral bleaching event threatens reefs worldwide

For the third time on record, the world is experiencing a global coral bleaching event, say NOAA scientists.

Visualize Earth systems this week!

Earth Science Week is October 11–17, 2015. This year's theme is “Visualizing Earth Systems.”

Report from Zimbabwe: Smoky sunsets

A recent unusual sunset over Mutare, Zimbabwe, caused by smoke from the annual burning of vegetation. Notice color change from yellow to orange to magenta ...

Video: Paddle boarding with whales

Touching juxtaposition of a classic John Lennon song with a magnificent video of whales. Video by Jaimen Hudson.

Australia’s largest carnivorous dino yet

Miners, working in opal deposits in the New South Wales outback, first discovered the fossilized remains of this creature, which has been dubbed Lightning Claw.

Double catastrophe killed dinosaurs, says study

Asteroid impact and volcanic eruptions might have been a one-two punch that killed off the dinosaurs. New dates suggest the catastrophes were nearly simultaneous.

Video: First biofluorescent turtle

Explorers happen upon the first glowing sea turtle ever recorded.