What if Bennu hit Earth? Simulations suggest catastrophe
Scientists have simulated what would happen if Bennu hit Earth. They said the effects could linger longer than those of the dinosaur-killing asteroid.
Astronomy Essentials
Visible planets and night sky guide for February
Visible planets and night sky guide for February 2025. Tonight, look for the waxing moon near bright Jupiter, orange Betelgeuse, and glinting Capella.
Human World

Aliens could detect Earth from 12,000 light-years away

Researchers looking for aliens say Earth might be detectable by ETs with tech like our own. Our civilization can be seen from 12,000 light years away.
Brightest Stars

Sirius B: Now is the best time to see Sirius’ companion

Now is a great time to see Sirius' dim companion, Sirius B. The two are currently at their maximum separation as viewed from Earth.

Sun news: Check out this image from GOES-19!

Sun news February 7, 2025. NOAA released some preliminary GOES-16/CCOR-1 coronagraph images. The official release is in April 2025. M7.6 flare from AR3981.

Asteroid 2024 YR4 chance of hitting Earth up to 1 in 43

On February 6, 2025, NASA's Center for Near Earth Object Studies slightly increased the odds of asteroid 2024 YR4 hitting us in 2032 to 1 in 43.
Human World

Yet another atmospheric river to strike US West Coast today

An atmospheric river has been pummeling California since the weekend, with wind, heavy rain and snow at high elevations. Another one is expected later today.

Boom! Galaxy with 9 rings nicknamed the Bullseye

Scientists have discovered a galaxy with 9 rings around it. The rings are evidence of an earlier collision, and the rings are where new stars are forming.

Tigers in India see remarkable population recovery

Due to successful conservation efforts, tigers in India have increased 2-fold since 2010. India now has 75% of the world’s tiger population.

Meet Taurus, home to star clusters, with Jupiter visiting

Taurus the Bull resides near the constellation Orion the Hunter. It contains 2 famous star clusters that are easy to spot; they are the Pleiades and the Hyades.