Success! 1st Martian rock cored by Perseverance

NASA's Perseverance rover has successfully cored its first rock on Mars. The good news comes after an earlier attempt failed in early August. The core sample will be stored onboard the rover for later return to Earth by a future mission.

1,001st near-Earth asteroid glimpsed with radar

The 1,001st near-Earth asteroid observed with planetary radar is 2016 AJ193. Scientists caught it with NASA's Goldstone antenna in late August 2021.

Milky Way photos from the 2021 season

Milky Way season is wrapping up as September and October approach. Enjoy this gallery of some of the best photos of our galaxy from our readers.

Mars ice is dusty and could melt, study says

Researchers at two universities in the U.S. have found that dusty ice on Mars may melt just below the surface. The liquid water produced could potentially support microscopic life.

Aurora alert! Pair of CMEs to jolt Earth’s magnetic field

Aurora alert! A pair of coronal mass ejections will reach Earth September 1-2, 2021. Though not dangerous to satellites or the grid, they might cause auroras.

Does outer space end, or does it go on forever?

Can you travel to outer space and never stop? Science can tell us a lot. But some things we don’t know yet, like whether space just goes on forever.

What flows into a galaxy ‘cleaner’ than what flows out

Pure hydrogen and helium gas flows into a galaxy. It's used to make new stars. Those stars make new elements, which are later released back to intergalactic space.

Hycean planets might be habitable ocean worlds

Hycean planets are huge, hot worlds covered by oceans, with thick hydrogen atmospheres. They might be key to discovering life beyond Earth.

NEA Scout, NASA’s solar sail mission, readies for launch on Artemis 1

NASA’s Near-Earth Asteroid Scout (NEA Scout), a cubesat launching on Artemis 1, will navigate space and visit a near-Earth asteroid by sailing on sunlight.

Meet the 2 reddest asteroids in the asteroid belt

Astronomers have discovered two asteroids in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter that are much redder than the others. The researchers say they likely migrated inward from the outer reaches of the solar system.