Planet Nine: Scientists map its likely location

Planet Nine, according to scientists, has an orbit that lies more than 300 AU from the sun and is tilted about 16 degrees from the ecliptic.

Oort Cloud news: How many comets from elsewhere?

Interstellar objects may dominated the Oort Cloud, according to two scientists from Harvard. Their calculations are based on the interstellar comet Borisov.

Ceres’ icy crust excavated by impacts

Scientists have found evidence that fragments of Ceres' icy crust are sitting on the surface of the dwarf planet. They were exposed by impacts from asteroids or other rocky debris. For scientists, the finding provides new clues about the interior and evolution of this enigmatic world.

Was Comet ATLAS a blast from the past?

Comet ATLAS was seen to break apart in 2020, while still relatively far from the sun. An astronomer thinks our early ancestors saw this comet.

A black hole with rings: V404 Cygni

Huge rings of dust were discovered by astronomers around the black hole V404 Cygni in 2015. The rings are only visible in X-ray images.

A spiral arm break in the Milky Way

Scientists discovered a spiral arm break in the Milky Way, lying some 4,000 light-years away, which contains some of the most famous nebulas in the heavens.

Heads up! Close asteroid pass August 21

Close asteroid pass August 21, 2021. This fast-moving asteroid is designed 2016 AJ193. It's currently rushing inward toward the sun. It will not strike Earth.

NASA’s Juno mission celebrates 10 years

NASA's Juno mission to Jupiter is now in its 10th year. To celebrate, the team has released a new infrared image of Jupiter's largest moon Ganymede.

Red dwarf planets may be safe from superflares

Planets orbiting red dwarf stars could still be habitable despite superflares of intense radiation coming from the stars. It all has to do with the direction the flares are erupting in.

Starship stacking produces world’s tallest rocket

Starship by SpaceX is a 2-stage, fully reusable space transportation system . It'll carry crew and cargo to Earth orbit, the moon, Mars, and beyond.