Odd radio circles perplex astronomers

The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory released a new image of ORCs on March 22, 2022. ORCs are odd radio circles in space.

NASA confirms 5000 exoplanets in cosmic milestone

NASA/JPL announced on March 21, 2022, that the count of confirmed planets beyond our solar stands just over 5000 exoplanets, a 30-year journey of discovery.

Comet Leonard has disintegrated

Comet Leonard, the bright comet of 2021, has disintegrated. Photos show the nucleus and coma have disappeared, leaving nothing but a ghostly streak.

An Alpha Centauri planet? Astronomers make a leap

Do rocky planets - resembling Earth - orbit in the Alpha Centauri star system? A new study predicts what these as-yet-unknown planets might be like.

New image from Webb, another milestone achieved

NASA released a new image from Webb, the most powerful infrared space telescope, on March 16, 2022. The image shows a star with galaxies in the background.

Searching for life as we don’t know it

Searching for life: Could alien life be based on exotic biochemistries unlike Earth's? New research into universal biology and "life as we don't it" says yes.

Asteroid discovered hours before Earth impact

An astronomer discovered asteroid 2022 EB5 just two hours before it impacted Earth over the Arctic Ocean on March 11, 2022. Fortunately, it was small and burned up upon entry.

Asteroid 2022 ES3 to pass within moon’s distance March 13

Near-Earth asteroid 2022 ES3 will have a close, safe encounter with Earth on March 13, 2022. Links to live viewing of the flyby, here.

New solar sail may travel to Alpha Centauri

The distances between stars are vast, which is why star travel is so far. But now, a new solar sail may be able to travel to Alpha Centauri in 20 years.

These 2 supermassive black holes will collide

Astronomers have spotted the tightest-knit pair of supermassive black holes ever seen. They will collide in 10,000 years, shaking the fabric of spacetime.