Juno flyby of Europa and a new, clear image

Images - including a detailed, closeup one released October 5, 2022 - from the September 29 Juno flyby of Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter.

Collision may have formed the moon in only hours

New simulations from NASA show that a collision may have formed the moon in mere hours. Watch a video of the simulation and read more.

Launches: NASA and ESA look to the moon

In Launches: NASA and ESA reaffirmed their intent to cooperate on lunar missions at the 2022 International Astronautical Congress held in September in Paris.

Sputnik launched 65 years ago

The Soviet Union launched the Sputnik I satellite into Earth orbit on October 4, 1957. Sputnik’s unassuming beep ushered in the Space Age 65 years ago.

Heatwave on Jupiter, from its aurora

Scientists have discovered a heatwave on Jupiter, thought to be generated and driven by the giant planet's mighty auroras.

Moon’s wandering poles revealed in new study

A new study from scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center "erased craters" to better understand the moon's wandering poles over time.

The Wow! Signal: New search comes up empty

Scientists with Breakthrough Listen conducted a new search around a sun-like star for the famous Wow! Signal from 1977. Unfortunately, they heard nothing.

Launches: Crew-5 arrives in Florida for ISS launch

In Launches: The Crew-5 mission team arrived at KSC on October 1, 2022, in anticipation of liftoff to the International Space Station on October 5.

Launches: Firefly makes 3rd try to launch load of CubeSats

In Launches: Firefly Aerospace will make another attempt - its 3rd - to launch its Alpha rocket very early on October 1, 2022.

Hubble needs a boost. Will this new plan provide it?

The Hubble Space Telescope is slowly sinking lower in orbit. Now NASA, SpaceX and the Polaris Program have announced they plan to study how to boost it.