Europa Clipper gets its wheels for space journey

NASA engineers and technicians have installed 4 reaction wheels on Europa Clipper. They will keep the spacecraft oriented as it explores Jupiter's ocean moon.

Life on Venus? New paper explores possibilities

Is there life on Venus? Specifically, its atmosphere? Researchers in the US and UK make the case for ammonia, phosphine and other biological anomalies on Venus.

November deep sky for 2022: Nebulae, clusters and more

The EarthSky community shared amazing photos of the November deep sky. See diffuse nebulae and a beautiful galaxy beyond our own!

Webb telescope 1st close look at exoplanet atmosphere

For the 1st time, the Webb telescope has analyzed the atmosphere of a distant exoplanet. It probed the atmosphere of Saturn-sized WASP-39b in fantastic detail.

Comets are icy balls of gas and dust

Comets are diffuse balls of ice and dust orbiting the sun. They're sometimes visible in our skies. A comet's tail can stretch millions of miles across space.

Stars and planets grow rapidly together

An international team of researchers has released a new study of "polluted" white dwarf stars showing that stars and planets likely form simultaneously.

NASA predicted asteroid impact in Ontario, Canada

NASA predicted the asteroid impact in Ontario, Canada, with its Scout impact hazard assessment system. The goal of Scout is to track impact hazards to Earth.

Asteroid hit Canada, may have dropped meteorites

On November 19, 2022, a small asteroid hit Canada just hours after its discovery. Researchers are asking locals to be on the lookout for meteorites.

Map of the universe is interactive, free, online

A new interactive map of the universe lets you scroll from our position in the Milky Way all the way to the edge of the observable universe.

A space garden can feed astronauts on the moon

A space garden will enable astronauts to grow their own food in places like the moon and on Mars. Read more about the plants astronauts can grow in space.