Double auroras light up Martian skies

NASA's MAVEN spacecraft has, for the 1st time, observed two kinds of auroras in Mars' atmosphere at the same time. A massive solar storm caused the light show.

The Space Force orbital plane finally lands

The U.S. Space Force X-37B orbital plane - an uncrewed and reusable craft - returned to Earth on November 12, 2022, after 908 days in orbit.

SpaceX resupply mission November 22. Watch here

The next SpaceX resupply mission to ISS is scheduled to launch at 3:54 p.m. ET (20:54 UTC) on November 22, 2022. Watch the livestream at EarthSky.

Fiery hourglass star seen by Webb

Astronomers said this week the Webb telescope has viewed a fiery hourglass star. Within the hourglass, they see an edge-on disk, where new planets are forming.

Bright, early galaxies surprise astronomers

The James Webb Space Telescope has captured two early galaxies that are much brighter than astronomers expected they would be. Read more.

A runaway star moves fast in an unusual direction

Stars in our Milky Way galaxy move in a more or less orderly way. But a star that moves differently from the general stream of stars is known as a runaway star.

What is the Great Filter, and can we survive it?

A new study suggests the reason we haven't found intelligent civilizations in the galaxy is that such civilizations might not have survived their Great Filter.

Keck Planet Finder begins search for other Earths

The Keck Planet Finder instrument on the Keck 1 Telescope in Hawaii has achieved 1st light. It will search for habitable Earth-sized planets around other stars.

1st intentional signal to space sent by Arecibo

Iconic Arecibo telescope is no longer operational. But its legacy lives on. And in 1974, Arecibo sent earthlings' 1st intentional signal to space.

Gold-rich stars as Milky Way ‘fossils’

New computer simulations show that most gold-rich stars were formed in low-mass dwarf galaxies that merged with our Milky Way galaxy some 10 billion years ago.