New detection of phosphine on Venus: Could it mean life?

Astrobiologist Jane Greaves and her team report that they have re-confirmed phosphine on Venus, deep in the atmosphere. The gas appears to have a steady source.

SpaceX satellites leaking radio waves. Astronomers worried

A new study confirms 68 satellites leaking radio waves that might harm radio astronomers' observations of the universe. Astronomers are worried.

‘Sandwich exoplanets’ shed light on planet formation

Scientists say they have discovered a new type of planetary formation called "sandwich exoplanets." This is where a small planet will form between 2 large ones.

Astronomers see time moving in slow motion in early universe

Astronomers have observed quasars "ticking slowly" in the early universe. Seeing time moving in slow motion is another confirmation of special relativity.

Gullies on Mars may be a result of melting ice

Were gullies on Mars formed by liquid water? A new study led by researchers at Brown University says that intermittent meltwater likely did indeed create them.

Opportunity left for Mars on July 7, 2003

NASA's Opportunity rover launched to Mars on July 7, 2003. The rover surpassed all expectations. It officially ended its mission on February 13, 2019.

Top 10 space objects to see during the day

Love astronomy, but don't like to stay up late? Here are the top 10 space objects you can see - under the right conditions - during the day.

Did we find life on Mars … and then wipe it out?

Did the Viking landers from a few decades ago find microbial life on Mars after all? Astrobiologist Dirk Schulze-Makuch makes the case in Big Think.

Satellite views lightning from space to help predict storms

The European Space Agency has a new satellite that is capturing views of lightning from space. The satellite will help improve forecasts and make air travel safer.

Could there be a captured planet hiding in the Oort Cloud?

Is there a rogue captured planet way out in the Oort Cloud of our solar system? A team of researchers says there is indeed a slim possibility.