Can 2 planets share an orbit? New image points to yes

Can 2 planets share an orbit? Astronomers have long believed they could, and a new image is finally providing photographic evidence of the possibility.

Boulders from asteroid Dimorphos, after spacecraft impact

The Hubble telescope caught these boulders from asteroid Dimorphos, following the impact by NASA's DART mission for "planetary defense."

Spiral arms around a star, made by a giant planet

Spiral arms are common in galaxies, but they can also form in disks of dust and gas around young stars. A new discovery shows how giant planets create them.

Ocean worlds around red dwarfs … common?

A new study says that the chances of ocean worlds - rocky planets with liquid water - orbiting red dwarf stars is much greater than previously thought.

The Day the Earth Smiled 10 years ago today

Today is the 10th anniversary of The Day the Earth Smiled, the 3rd-ever image of Earth from the outer solar system, taken by the great Cassini spacecraft.

Ancient moon volcano revealed in far side hot spot

Scientists discovered an ancient moon volcano after detecting a hot spot - an underground mass of radioactive granite - on the far side.

Airplane-sized asteroid found 2 days after brush by Earth

An airplane-sized asteroid came within 1/4 the moon's distance to Earth on July 13, 2023. However, scientists didn't detect the asteroid until two days later.

1st dark stars?! Maybe, say astrophysicists

Scientists say they've found the 1st dark stars - brighter than our sun - powered by dark matter particles that collide and annihilate themselves.

Top 10 cool things about stars that you probably didn’t know

Here's a collection of 10 cool things about stars that you probably didn't know. Big stars, green stars, black holes, stars by the millions, and more!

How nuclear fusion works to let stars shine

Nuclear fusion powers our sun and is the energy source of the stars in our night sky. Here's how nuclear fusion works to make stars shine.