Was Mars’ Olympus Mons volcano once an island?

Scientists in France have found new evidence that the largest volcano on Mars, Olympus Mons, was once a volcanic island surrounded by an ancient northern ocean.

Rogue planets by the trillions in our Milky Way?

A new study predicts that NASA's upcoming Roman space telescope will find 400 Earth-mass rogue planets. These worlds drift freely in space, unbound to any star.

The moon illusion makes the moon look huge!

It's nearly full moon. So you might see an extra-large-looking moon low in the sky. Why does the moon look so big? It's because of the "moon illusion."

7 fireballs in 1 night! The Alpha Capricornids roar

This week, a camera saw 7 fireballs in 1 night! If you wish to see some celestial fireworks, the Alpha Capricornids are active all night long this time of year!

Volcanism on Venus fueled by powerful ancient impacts

A new study says that high-speed impacts fueled early volcanism on Venus, explaining why Venus' surface is geologically young despite a lack of plate tectonics.

The best place to find life on Mars may be Mawrth Vallis

Mawrth Vallis may be the best place to find life on Mars. This valley spans from the highlands to the lowlands and contains signs of previously flowing water.

2-faced white dwarf star surprises astronomers

For the 1st time, astronomers have discovered an unusual white dwarf star where one side is composed of hydrogen and the other side is helium.

Can 2 planets share an orbit? New image points to yes

Can 2 planets share an orbit? Astronomers have long believed they could, and a new image is finally providing photographic evidence of the possibility.

Boulders from asteroid Dimorphos, after spacecraft impact

The Hubble telescope caught these boulders from asteroid Dimorphos, following the impact by NASA's DART mission for "planetary defense."

Spiral arms around a star, made by a giant planet

Spiral arms are common in galaxies, but they can also form in disks of dust and gas around young stars. A new discovery shows how giant planets create them.